Press release:
Sunday December 22nd at approximately 6:30 AM the District incurred a massive water main failure on one of our 12” mains. District field staff immediately responded. By 7:30 AM the field staff had located the break and had it isolated, restoring water back to the rest of the community. Customers from Tractor Supply down to River Road were the only ones left without water. Emergency locates were called and contractors coordinated. In the hour before the break was isolated, we estimate that we lost almost 1 million gallons of water through the failed 12” water main. District staff and contractors worked tirelessly for 12 hours to repair the failed line. Water mains were flushed throughout the affected area and all water service was restored around 6:30 PM. I would like to commend the field staff for their hard work and dedication to the District and our community, this effort ensured safe and reliable water resources to our customers. Thank you for your patience and support during this event.
Mark James
Operations Manager